Saturday, May 23, 2015

Lorraine Campaign Day 2

A few weeks ago (I am getting caught up on my battle reports) we had the second round of the Lorraine Campaign at the Ottawa Miniatures Gamers. I did not have the figures I wanted to use painted (though it does turn out that I do have more German infantry than I could find on the day) so I broke from my plan to only use lists from the Blood, Guts and Glory book and go for a German Heavy Tank list (or Schwere Panzer if you are that way inclined) because I had a King Tiger and some Tiger Is that I had painted up a few year back and had never used. My list consisted of a Tiger in the HQ platoon, a King Tiger in the first platoon, 2 Tigers in the 2nd platoon and a biggishy batter of armoured rocket artillery. I had hoped that the firestorm troops of one Grenadier, one Panzer Grenadier and fortifications would provide the bulk that this list was lacking. (I was not feeling confident, heavy tank lists are odd at the best of times and generally terrible in lower point value games)

As usual we had a pretty good turnout and lots of tables got set up

I was playing against evil Duncan who had a reasonably balanced (if somewhat tank-heavy due to the 2 armoured fiirestorms he had) US list. I don't remember the exact mission but I had delayed reserves. After much consideration I decided to put the infantry on the table and keep the tanks (except the HQ) in reserve.  I thought it possible that the infantry could hold for the 3 turns. I didn't put anything in Ambush as I was concerned that a rush up on the part of the Americans could keep me from appearing on the objective.

I set up with one infantry platoon on each objective and the HQ tiger hiding (I thought) behind the building. The Americans rushed forward en masse (my artillery was in reserve) and the tanks began to pound the infantry.

The US artillery ranged in on the Tiger on the first turn and it was bailed for the whole game (3 turns!) That was pretty much the game there as the infantry was killed. If I ha put my tanks on to start, I still would have lost but might have had more fun (not that it wasn't an enjoyable game but I didn't get to do much)

Since that game was rather quick we did play a second game with the free for all mission which was a bit more dynamic (but I still lost!)

My laptop died as I was typing this in, I managed to finish it on my tablet but my Cangames reports will have to wait until I get it going again

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